Welcome to Bachelor of Accounting & Finance

Since over 70% of organizations and businesses are worried about their expenses and revenues, Accounting & Finance as a course has received the attention it deserves. It is clear that depending on how their transactions are carried out, the majority of organizations, businesses, and government and non-government transactions can either succeed or fail in their operations. Highly qualified accounting and finance professionals will be trained through the Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Finance program. The goal is to generate distinctive, astute, analytical, and well-versed graduates who will be able to resolve significant, complicated accounting and financial challenges and exhibit a solid understanding of the larger business environment.

The predicament described above resulted from the stereotype attached to business control procedures involving accounting, finance, and banking. In order to handle financial concerns, several businesses and organizations just hired bookkeepers without any concern for their academic degrees. However, in recent years, accounting and finance have come to be recognized as important tools for establishing accountability and value for money in organizations.

Career Options

Graduates of the Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Finance can work in public, private or non-governmental organizations in various positions as accountants, financial planners and Analysts, finance Officers, banking officers, auditors, business Managers and tax analysts. Others can be investment managers, treasury officers, investment analysts and tax consultant service contracts, audits, control, and other essential elements.

In addition, the programme is also recognised by other international professional accounting bodies. BAcc graduates from JUST may get maximum exemptions from the following bodies:

  • CIMA The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants
  • ACCA The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (UK)
  • CPA (Australia) Certified Practicing Accountants Australia
  • CIPFA Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy
